Boston CCD Angle Monitor (BCAM)

Figure: A Black H-BCAM. We see the front camera lens in a brass holder. On either side are two laser diodes, turned on. Above and below are the four white LEDs, turned off.

A Boston CCD Angle Monitor (BCAM) is a simple, rugged, metrology instrument designed to monitor the geometry of large structures. A single-ended BCAM contains a camera and two light sources. The camera consists of a lens and an image sensor. The light sources are red laser diodes placed on either side of the lens. The laser diodes have no collimating lenses, and so act as point sources. A double-ended BCAM contains two cameras looking in opposite directions, with two pairs of light sources. One model of BCAM, the H-BCAM, adds an array of four white LEDs around each of its two camera lenses in addition to its laser diodes.

Each BCAM uses its camera to monitor lasers on all other BCAMs and metrology sources in its field of view. The camera measures the position of each light source image on its image sensor. Calibration of the camera with respect to its kinematic mounting balls allows us to convert a point on the image sensor into a line in global coordinates upon which the point source should lie. A BCAM camera measures the bearing of sources with 50 μrad absolute accuracy and 5 μrad relative accuracy. It can operate with sources as near as 50 cm and as far as 50 m.

Thousands of BCAMs are installed in High Energy Physics (HEP) particle detectors, such as the ATLAS End-Cap Muon Spectrometer Alignment Sytes, the ALICE Geometric Monitoring System, and other systems at CERN, Fermilab, and other national laboratories. The BCAM is an example of a LWDAQ Device. We read them out with LWDAQ Multiplexers, LWDAQ Cables, and LWDAQ Drivers.

Product Fundamentals

BCAM Home Page: Catalog of links to BCAM documents.
BCAM Manual: Performance, operation, and deployment of BCAMs.
BNDHEP Catalog: Photographs of BCAMs designed at BNDHEP for ATLAS.
OSI Catalog: Devices currently manufactured at OSI.
Data Acquisition (DAQ): Instrument control and readout hardware.
Price List: A list of products and their prices.

Related Products

H-BCAM Head (A3025): Manual for the H-BCAM main board.
N-BCAM Head (A2083): Manual for the N-BCAM main board.
D-BCAM Head (A2086): Manual for the D-BCAM main board.
LWDAQ Driver (A2071): Data acquisition relay and controller.
LWDAQ Multiplexer (A2085): Data acquisition multiplexer.

Software Tools

LWDAQ Software: Network-based data acquisition and analysis program.
BCAM Instrument: Image capture and analysis program for BCAMs.
Acquisifier Manual: Program that acquires from large BCAM systems.

System Details

BCAM Performance: Original performance report.
BCAM Calibration: Description and analysis of calibration procedure.

Posters and Talks

Radiation Tolerance: Radiation tolerance of nSW BCAMs.
ATLAS Alignment: Alignment of the ATLAS end-cap muon detector (2008).
SRF Alignment: H-BCAMs monitor SRF cavities during cooling (2019).
HIE-ISOLD Alignment: H-BCAMs monitor HIE-ISOLDE accelerator during cooling (2014).
Space Frame Monitor (SFM): Optical alignment system for the ALICE barrel support structure.
Geometric Monitoring System (GMS): Optical alignment of the ALICE end-cap muon detector.

Modified: This page was last modified on 22-Feb-25 20:21:42