} { Program for use with lwdaq library. (C) 2009 Kevan Hashemi, hashemi@opensourceinstruments.com, Open Source Instruments This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. } program p; { This program simulates all n collision cycles for n subcutaneous transmitters sharing the same receiver. The simulations provide the results shown in the Collisions section of our Subcutaneous Transmitter report. } uses utils; const num_periods=1050000; scatter_extent=16; scatter_quantum=1/64; nominal_period=64*1000/32.768;{us} ppm_spread=10; message_time=7;{us} interval_length=1000000;{us} type message_type=record timestamp:cardinal; id:cardinal; end; message_list(n:integer)=array [1..n] of message_type; period_list(m:integer)=array [1..m] of real; counter_list(m:integer)=array [1..m] of integer; var num_xmitters:integer; mlp:^message_list; plp:^period_list; clp:^counter_list; m,n,p:integer; swapped:boolean; interval_start,interval_num:integer; f:text; procedure swap(a,b:integer); var m_saved:message_type; begin m_saved:=mlp^[a]; mlp^[a]:=mlp^[b]; mlp^[b]:=m_saved; end; function greater(a,b:integer):boolean; begin greater:=(mlp^[a].timestamp>mlp^[b].timestamp); end; begin write('num_xmitters? '); readln(num_xmitters); if num_xmitters<1 then exit; new(mlp,num_xmitters*num_periods); writeln('allocated ',sizeof(mlp^),' bytes for message list.'); new(plp,num_xmitters); for m:=1 to num_xmitters do begin plp^[m]:=nominal_period*(1+(random_0_to_1-0.5)*2*ppm_spread/1000000); end; writeln('periods 1 through ',num_xmitters:1,':'); for m:=1 to num_xmitters do begin writeln(plp^[m]:1:3); end; writeln('generating ',num_xmitters*num_periods:1,' messages...'); n:=1; for p:=1 to num_periods do begin for m:=1 to num_xmitters do begin mlp^[n].timestamp:=round(plp^[m] *(p + round(scatter_extent*random_0_to_1-0.5)*scatter_quantum)); mlp^[n].id:=m; inc(n); end; end; writeln('sorting messages in order of timestamp...'); quick_sort(1,num_xmitters*num_periods-1,swap,greater); writeln('eliminating messages that collide...'); for n:=1 to num_xmitters*num_periods-1 do begin if mlp^[n+1].timestamp-mlp^[n].timestamp<=message_time then begin mlp^[n].id:=0; mlp^[n+1].id:=0; end; end; new(clp,num_xmitters); writeln('reception with time...'); n:=1; interval_num:=1; rewrite(f,'data.txt'); write(f,' time '); for m:=1 to num_xmitters do begin clp^[m]:=0; write(f,'No',m:1,' '); end; writeln(f); while n<=num_xmitters*num_periods do begin if mlp^[n].timestamp0 then inc(clp^[mlp^[n].id]); end else begin write(f,interval_num*interval_length/1000000:10:2,' '); for m:=1 to num_xmitters do write(f,100*clp^[m]*nominal_period/interval_length:4:1,' '); writeln(f); inc(interval_num); for m:=1 to num_xmitters do clp^[m]:=0; end; inc(n); end; close(f); end.