} program rotation; { Compile with "gpc rotation.pas" and run "a.out" to table of errors in image position with bearing for a particular pivot-ccd distance and offset of pivot point from normal running through the ccd center. } const fsd=4;{field dize decimals} fsr=1;{field size real} a=10; var x,h,alpha,theta,d:real; i,j:integer; begin for i:=-17 to +17 do begin h:=i/10; write(h:fsr:fsd,' '); for j:=0 to 10 do begin d:=j/10; theta:=arctan(d/a); alpha:=arctan(h/a); x:=h*cos(theta)+h*sin(theta)*sin(theta+alpha)/cos(theta+alpha); write(x-h:fsr:fsd,' '); end; writeln end; end.