Implantable Intertial Sensor (IIS)

Figure: The Implantable Inertial Sensor (A3035B1). Mass 1.8 g, operating life 150 hrs. Provides 128 SPS from three-axis accelerometer.

The Implantable Inertial Sensor (IIS) is a wireless accelerometer and gyroscope encapsulated in epoxy and silicone. It may be implanted subcutaneously in a rodent or attached extracutaneously to a fish. The IIS is equipped with a 30-mm loop antenna that works well when immersed in water or implanted in an animal. The IIS uses the same telemetry system as our Subcutaneous Transmitters (SCTs). We turn the IIS on and off with a magnet.

The IIS can be configured to provide a variety of measurements and equipped with a variety of batteries to produce a range of operating life and mass. The A3035A1 is 1.8 g with operating life 40 hrs. It transmits on six telemetry channels at 128 SPS for each channel: rotation x, y, z range ±5.6 rev/s and acceleration x, y, z, range ±160 m/s/s. The A3035B1 is alwo 1.8 g, but disables the gyroscope and transmits only acceleration x, y, and z at 128 SPS. Its operating life is 150 hrs.

The IIS is not intended to serve as activity monitor. For activity monitoring, we use our Animal Location Tracker (ALT), which provides activity monitoring by measuring telemetry signal power on its array of antennas.

Product Fundamentals

Implantable Inertial Sensor (A3035): Magnetically activated, implantable motion sensor.
Telemetry Manual: How to set up and use our telemetery system.
Price List: A list of products and their prices.

Related Products

Telemetry Antenna (A3015): Telemetry antenna with coaxial socket.
Telemetry Control Box (TCB): Telemetry receiver, command transmitter, and location monitor.
Animal Location Tracker (ALT): Telemetry receiver platform with location tracking.
Faraday Enclosures (FE): Provide isolation from microwave interference.

Software Tools

LWDAQ Software: Network-based data acquisition and analysis program.
LWDAQ Software: Network-based data acquisition and analysis program.
Receiver Instrument: Program that downloads telemetry data.
Neurorecorder Tool: Program that writes data to disk.
Neuroplayer Tool: Program that reads, analyzes, and translates recorded data.
Startup Manager: Program that starts telemetry with one click.

System Details

IIS Technical Proposal: Introduction to the device and presentation of original conceptual design.

Modified: This page was last modified on 22-Feb-25 20:21:47